Google Meet... and More

Our First Google Meet!

After an extensive week of planning and setting things up in our new online classroom, we have had a great deal of success figuring things out together.  Today, most students were online for our first homeroom Google Meeting!  It was so wonderful to see everyone’s faces and to hear student voices once again.  We shared our pets - and art - and various other things with each other, as well as several pieces of music – piano playing and guitar.

In our meeting we had a lot of discussion about submitting and “unsubmitting” written assignments, such as our reading responses. Here’s what we have figured out so far.
-       Unless a student receives a grade for an assignment, when an assignment is returned to them, they should “unsubmit” it.
-       They should have received feedback from the teacher (the same as what would happen back at school) on that assignment.
-       The next step is to act on that feedback and submit the assignment again.
-       It will be returned to the student with a mark.
-       Once an assignment has been marked, it cannot be revised, so it is important for students to act on the received feedback and to ask for clarification if necessary.

Schedule for the upcoming week:  Friday April 10th to Friday April 17th

Friday – Good Friday – No regular work posted
Monday – PD day - No regular work posted
Tuesday – Language Arts work posted and Room 5 homeroom Google meet at 10:30
Wednesday – Math work posted
Thursday – Language Arts work posted – scheduled Google meets with individual students -10:30 to 11:30

I will always be online at the following times to help students in “real” time:
Monday to Thursday – 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Wednesday: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. and Thursday 11:00 - 12:00
I am online at other times but these are times I will definitely be available.

I am sending out a “morning message” to students on Monday mornings – next week it will be on Tuesday.  Here is a link to access.  MORNING MESSAGE

Any additional activities will be posted on this blog.  These are NOT required but are for those wanting more to do than what has been assigned for the week. Access this here EXTENDED

We are aware of some of the constraints our families have in accessing work online, as well as sharing available technology with many others in a household. Thank you for your support with this!  Please email me if you have any questions during this transition to online learning. ( - please identify best phone number to reach you and times to call. 
Take care everyone. Again, thank you for your continued support and patience as we go through this transition. 

Mrs. Sloman

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