Google Classroom Update
Students have been doing an amazing job navigating the first couple of days of online learning. We are all figuring things out as we go. Please do not worry if it is taking your online learner a bit longer to figure out how to get work done and turned in. It is a challenge for all of us and we want to move forward slowly but purposefully, being able to provide students and parents with needed support.
Students can communicate with me by posting a private comment while working on an assignment, ask a question of both the teacher and their classmates publicly on “the stream” or request to meet through Google Meet. Parents, if you would like to speak with me, please send me an email with a preferred phone number and a few suggestions for approximate times and we will get it arranged. A reminder: you will receive a call from an unknown caller at that time.
I wanted to give you an idea of how things will move forward during the week of April 6th to 9th. (There is no school on Friday April 10th – Good Friday or Monday, April 13th as it is a PD Day).
CLASSWORK assignments will be posted on:
Monday – Room 5 Homeroom Language Arts assignment – due Tuesday, 8 pm
Tuesday – Grade 6 Math assignment – due Wednesday, 8 pm.
Wednesday – Room 5 Homeroom Language Arts assignment – due Thursday, 8 pm
Wednesday – Room 5 Homeroom Language Arts assignment – due Thursday, 8 pm
Thursday – Room 6 Math assignment, due Sunday, 8 pm
Students can work at their own pace to complete the work by the suggested due date, within the CBE parameters of 5 hours a week of assigned work. Students who wish to do extended work can use Kids A-Z, Currents4Kids and Prodigy (Grade 6 Math). There will be additional opportunities for extended learning offered in the future on the blog and through Google classroom.
Students are encouraged to ask questions if they are not sure what to do. Students are welcome to invite you to read the announcements on the Google classroom page so that you can “see” the information posted for students.
Students are encouraged to ask questions if they are not sure what to do. Students are welcome to invite you to read the announcements on the Google classroom page so that you can “see” the information posted for students.
“Office Hours” are times that I will definitely be online to help students. I am also online at other times but these are “for sure” times. They are as follows:
- 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
- 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. (Monday through Thursday)
There will also be other regular Google Meet sessions scheduled for the class and for individual student support.
We will have our first Google Meet (online video conferencing) on Tuesday, April 7th at 10:30 a.m. for students in Room 5. Students will be sent an invitation via their email account. If your child is able to join us at that time for a live chat that would be great – headphones are also a good idea if they are available! This first meeting will be a welcome and question and answer session.
Thank you for all of your support during this challenging time. Stay healthy everyone. J